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James Barber of Wauseon 349 Passed Away

It is with a heavy heart that I announce Brother James "Judge" Barber passed away last evening. James was a 47 year member of the fraternity and Treasurer of our lodge since 1985. Please keep Sandy, Mathew, and the rest of his family in your thoughts and prayers.
James was a true pillar of our lodge. Besides being Treasurer of the lodge for 35 years and being present at nearly every meeting during those years, he was a wonderful human being and a true friend and brother to all of us. For these reasons and more, he was nominated by our lodge to receive the 2019 Ohio Grand Lodge Medal of Honor. A copy of the letter which accompanied the nomination form can be found below.
This announcement was sent out early because this news is traveling fast and I have had several calls already asking about it. I will send out details regarding any services and the obituary when they have been made available. 
Steve Miller, Secretary
Wauseon 349
Medal of Honor Nomination Letter
May 14th, 2019
To whom it may concern,
It is with great enthusiasm that Wauseon Lodge No. 349 would like to nominate Brother James Earl Barber for the prestigious “Medal of Honor” award. Brother Barber has been a pillar of our lodge since before most of us were even members and without his unending support, our lodge would not be the same place that we all know and love.
Brother Barber was born May 16th, 1946 to a local family with a facinating heritage which he has honored though all of his life's achievments. Brother Barber, like his father, grandfather, and great grandfather, is an attorney and Judge, a US Army Veteran, and an active Freemason within Wauseon Lodge. We have actually been able to find records of his family holding officer positions within Wauseon Lodge dating all the way back to our very first meetings.
Brother Barber was raised a Master Mason on April 24th, 1974 in Wauseon Lodge No. 349 and has been coronated a 33rd Degree Mason by the Valley of Toledo, AASR. Though he has never served as a progressive line officer with-in Wauseon Lodge, beginning in 1985, James agreed to accept the position of Treasurer, a position he has held ever since. For the 34 years since, he has been one of the best attending and most supportive of all the brethren to have come and gone during that time. He has donated his time outside of meetings to serve as Master Craftsman for new candidates and has maintained the lodge grounds longer than any of us can remember.
Outside of the lodge, Brother Barber has been a tremoundous supporter the Boy Scouts of America, The American Legion, Gideons International, and the community of Wauseon. Every year, James plays a key role in the organization of our local Memorial Day Program, including cooridinating the parade and the speakers for the ceromony following the parade. He is also very involved in the Methodist Church and a member of the choir.
If there is to be found one mason that is a member of Wauseon Lodge, who exhibits all of the virtues of Freemasonry, who is a true beacon of light to all of his brothers and his community, we need look no further than Brother James Earl Barber, 33°. We at Wauseon Lodge No. 349 are excited and proud to submit his name for consideration of this highest honor.
WB Steve Miller, Secretary

Grand Lodge Edict 2021-3 suspends in person Masonic events through end of year

The Grand Lodge of Free & Accepted Masons has instructed all subordinate lodges to conduct activities as though their county was under "purple" conditions as layed out by the State of Ohio. This means cancellation of in-person functions with the exception of funerals.  Please refer to Edict 2021-1 and 2021-3 for instructions on conducting virtual sessions and direct questions to out DDGMs and DA.


Hicksville Thanksgiving MM & Breakfast Cancelled for 2020

Warm Fraternal Greeting to one and all...
On behalf of Hicksville Lodge's WMBro Richard Evans, Jr., please take notice that Ohio Grand Master Richard Dickerscheid has issued an Edict which cancels all in-person Masonic meetings, stated or special meetings, until January 2021. 
Of course this includes our planned 75th Thanksgiving Morning Master Mason Degree and Pancake / sausage Breakfast. Please note that sausage packages will still be available for sale as well as our commemorative challenge coins.
Please relay our apologies to all the Brethren that you may know if they were planning to come to Hicksville.If anyone wants to confirm these changes, please have them call my phone shown below.
Happy Thanksgiving and stay SAFE, Brethren!
Darrell Miller, PDDGM
(260) 906-6310

Calling All Speakers

Brothers All,
The District Education Officers of the Fabulous 5th Masonic District have launched the creation of a district wide Speakers Bureau. This Speakers Bureau will consist of both masonic and non-masonic speakers that can give presentations on a variety of interesting topics. Topics that will not only provide a source of knowledge but will undoubtedly provoke thought and discussion amongst the Brethren and all in attendance. These presentations, depending on their content, can be given in a variety of settings. Open lodge, table lodges, virtual lodges, lunches and banquets to name a few. This bureau is intended to be a valuable resource for our district’s education program. In fact, a presentation given in open lodge can be used as a lodge education presentation for that lodge meeting. I’m sure many of our Brethren have interesting topics they can talk about. Others may know someone in their community who has something interesting to say. A page is being designed that will be added to our district website. All we need to complete this wonderful addition to our district education program is a list of speakers who will, when asked, attend an event and provide a short 10-20 minute presentation. If you or someone you know would like to be a member of the 5th Masonic District Speakers Bureau please contact one of your District Education Officers for addition information. We look forward to hearing from you!
WB Marty Lawrence, DEO email:
WB Jim Parsons, DEO email:

IMPORTANT information regarding Thanksgiving Morning at Hicksville

Warm and Fraternal Greetings to all, On behalf of Hicksville Lodge's newly elected WM Bro Rick Evan, Jr., PLEASE note the following information related to this year's Thanksgiving Morning Master Mason Degree with regard to the recent Covid-19 restrictions:
1) the 75th Annual Thanksgiving Morning is still being planned to happen and we are looking forward to your visit;
2) if you are coming, we invite you to bring along an UNWRAPPED child's toy as we are sponsoring the Hicksville Fire Department's Kid's Toys for Christmas drive;
3) if you are uncomfortable regarding attending this year OR, if you have respiratory issues, fever, or other symptoms, please DO NOT come this year. PLEASE bring a face mask for yourself. There will be hand sanitizer and other PPE available as well.;
4) Please feel free to contact me (Darrell Miller (260) 906-6310) to confirm the planned meeting, just in case the restrictions from the Governor require us to cancel.
We look forward to your visit to commemorate this historic event happening at Hicksville Masonic Lodge. Remember, we open Lodge at 6:00AM, Thursday, November 26, 2020, with pancakes and sausage to follow in the Lodge dining room.
There will be commemorative challenge coins and whole hog sausage as usual for you to take home.
Darrell Miller, PDDGM
Hicksville Masonic Lodge
(260) 906-6310

5th District 2021 Inspection Schedule

Lodge Number Date Time Dinner Refresh/After Degree DDGM DEO
Fulton 248 1/28 7pm 6pm   EA Lyne Lawrence
Wauseon 349 1/29 7pm 6pm   FC Lyne Lawrence
Bryan 215 2/5 7pm   Yes MM Lyne Lawrence
Sherwood 620 2/12 7pm   Yes FC Pacak


Hicksville 478 2/19 7pm     FC Lyne Parsons
Omega 564 2/26 7pm   Yes EA Lyne Parsons
Liberty Center 518 3/5 7pm   Yes MM Pacak Lawrence
Edon 474 3/12 7pm     FC Pacak Parsons
Napoleon 256 3/19 7pm 6pm   MM Pacak Parsons
Sycamore 520 3/27 10am   Yes EA Pacak Parsons


5th District Deacons & Wardens Workshop

The 5th District Wardens & Deacons workshop will be 9:00 AM on December 19, 2020 at the Liberty Center Masonic Temple. Dress is business casual.  All wardens and deacons for the 2021 year are expected to attend.  Contact our DEOs with any questions.

New DDGM and DEO appointments at Grand Lodge Communications

The brothers of the 5th Masonic District want to congratulate our new DEO, WB Jim Parsons and our new DDGM, WB Larry Lyne on their assignments from the Grand Lodge of Ohio. We look forward to working with both of you! 

Fifth District Holds 2020 Awards Night

Thanks to all who attended the awards night in Wauseon OH last night.  The DDGMs and Fifth District Officers put together a nice casual evening to recognize the district lodges and brothers for their achievements this past year.  It was little later than normal, but as we all know, nothing has been normal these past six months.  The Award recipients for last night are:

  • Lewis Hackett Award - Dedicated to all 50 year traveling masons: Bryan Lodge
  • Best Attended Inspection: BryanLodge
  • Traveling Trophy: BryanLodge
  • Best Inspection: EdonLodge
  • Bee Hive Award: Craig Szczublewski (Fulton)
  • George O. Braatz Award (most lodge members at an inspection): Fulton Lodge
  • Master of the Year: Josh Chapin (Edon)
  • Education Award: Doug Parker (Wauseon)
  • First Time Charge: John Seabolt (Fulton)
  • Hiram Abiff Award: Todd Evans (Wauseon)
  • Mason of the Year: Rick Snyder (Bryan)
  • Perfect Attendance: 22


District Deputy Grand Masters
R.W.B. Martin Lawrence
Sycamore Lodge #520
R.W.B. James E. Parsons
Liberty Center Lodge #518
District Education Officers
W.B. Dennis Richardson
Wauseon Lodge #349
W.B. Craig Szczublewski
Fulton Lodge #248
District Advisor
R.W.B. Robert R. Rettig
Napoleon Lodge #256
District Education Chair
R.W.B. Robert "Joe" Stotler
Hicksville Lodge #478
W.B. Dennis Richardson
Wauseon Lodge #349
1st Vice President
W.B. Chris Meeker
Wauseon Lodge #349
2nd Vice President
Ryan Bleck
Hicksville Lodge #478
W.B. Craig Szczublewski
707 Main St
Delta, OH 43515
Fulton Lodge #248
R.W.B. Douglas W. Eis
Napoleon Lodge #256
District Prospect Manager
R.W.B. Richard McKibben
Fulton Lodge #248
W.B. Craig Szczublewski
Fulton Lodge #248