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Date Change for LEO Workshop

WB Hall and I have changed the date and venue for the LEO Workshop this year.  The workshop is currently scheduled to be held with the PM Convocation in Wauseon.  Due to a scheduling conflict we will be holding the workshop on December 14th from 1:pm - 3pm. at the Defiance Masonic Temple.  
Thank you,

Martin L. Lawrence

DEO 5th Masonic District

Request for information or assistance regarding the death of Bro. James Schafer's wife

On September 2, 2019 at around 5:30 P.M., Victoria Schafer was fatally injured when a log became dislodged at the Old Man’s Cave area in the Hocking Hills and fell on her.  The Ohio Department of Natural Resources feels that this was not a natural occurrence.
Southern Ohio Crime Stoppers, Inc. has offered a $10,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person or persons responsible.  If you were in the area and may have information or pictures of the area that day, you are encouraged to call Southern Ohio Crime Stoppers at 740-773-TIPS or 1-800-222-8477.  Information can be given to Crime Stoppers anonymously if you choose.  Information can also be given to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources at 614-779-9538. 
Mrs. Schafer was the wife of Brother James “Fritz” Schafer of Scioto 6 Lodge Chillicothe and the mother of four teenaged children.  Please share this request and follow the case progress on Friends of Victoria Schafer page on Facebook.

Deputy Grand Master Roll-Out Program

The following are some brief notes from DGM Keith Newtons Roll-out Program for 2019-2020.

Theme: Step into the Light

Major Objectives Include:

  1. Live your Charter - Know what your lodge charter states, maybe organize a read the charter night. Reach out to the 20% of your oldest members who don't attend by January Reach out to widows (try an get info updated in Grand View)
  2. Communicate - All brothers should login to Grand View and verify their information. Grand Lodge wants to have better communication direct to the brothers.
  3. Grand Lodge Charities - Spend some time reviewing all of the charities supported by the GLO and the OMH.
  4. Public Awareness - The GLO will continue their marketing campaign for awareness.  Encourage lodges to participate in community events and "tell your story".
  5. Veterans Pin - Newly designed veterans pin will be available this year also.


  • The charity of choice for Brother Newton will be the Masonic Model Student Assistance Program.
  • The charity chosen by his wife Sharon will be the Sleep in Heavenly Peace beds for kids (

Grand Masters Award:
Minimal changes from last year, but a renewed focus on outreach to our lodge brothers and their widows.

Dates to Remember:

  • The 210th Annual Grand Lodge Communications is October 18-19, 2020 in Marietta.
  • November 23 will be another Tri-State degree in Grand Rapids, Michigan.  The GLO will be performing the EA portion.
  • May 9th will be the Grand Master's One Day Class.  The incoming GM will leave it up to the Districts if they decide to hold an event or not.  Districts can combine efforts as well, but the class must be held May 9, 2020.  All current rules regarding the candidate returning to Lodge with 60 days applies.
  • September 18-20, 2020 will be a Family Fun Retreat with the Grand Lodge, hosted at Deer Creek State Park.  More information as that date gets closer.
  • Grand Lodge 2020 will be October 23-24 a the Robert Cook Center in Wilmington, OH.


Dear District Advisor –
With the knowledge and permission of Most Worshipful Brother Jess Raines, Grand Master, we are asking for your assistance in promoting a special upcoming event. Your help in spreading the message of a Grand Lodge coordinated Southern Caribbean Cruise is urgently needed. My wife Kathy, and I are working as the Cruise Coordinators at the request of Right Worshipful Brother Rich Dickerscheid, Senior Grand Warden on this project. While the cruise is not until January 2021, the need to announce this event is now. The best time for cabin availability and pricing is at hand. As in the past, NO Grand Lodge funds will be used for this cruise. All travel and cruise expenses will be the responsibility of those booking passage aboard the CARNIVAL HORIZON cruise ship. We are using “VACATIONS TO GO” as our booking agents as noted on the flyer. Any earned credits will be converted into dollars and those dollars will be divided equally among the cabins that are booked – most probably as “on-board” cruise credit.
This cruise is NOT limited to Masons. New and veteran cruisers, Masons, their families and friends are encouraged to join us. We feel confident that the weather in the Southern Caribbean in January 2021 will be warmer than in Ohio and most other States.
Plans are pending to perform one of Ohio’s Masonic Degrees while at sea. Degree selection, planning, coordination and degree officer parts for the degree event will be made later.
Attached is a flyer for this event that I would ask that you assist with distribution to the Masonic Brothers in your District. Please consider having this flyer sent via an electronic distribution or mailing list you may have on file or posting the flyer (or a link) on your District and Lodge web sites. The more that know of this cruise, the better!
In January 2018 we had (92) people cruise the Western Caribbean. We are hopeful for (100) guests for this cruise. As of today (June 29, 2019) we already have (29) people with confirmed   reservations in (15) cabins. There are presently many choice cabins still available, but they will become limited as others book their reservations - so now is the best time for this promotion.
Any questions should be directed to Brad ( – 440-488-1091) or Kathy Goebel ( – 440-488-1092). If we do not have an answer, we will work to get one as soon as possible. The success of any event such as this is timely promotion and communication. We are asking for your support and assistance in getting the word out on this special event. Please be one of the first to spread and post details of this event to the Masons of your district.

Thank you for your support and help.
Brad and Kathy Goebel 2021 Cruise Coordinators





Grand Masters One Day Class


As our lodges will soon be going dark for the summer months, I wanted to get information to you concerning our Grand Master’s Class scheduled for August 10, 2019.  We are joining with the 11thDistrict to make this a memorable event for our brothers and new Master Masons. This year’s class will be at Camp Masonry, a unique educational and social retreat for Master Masons located at Camp Miakonda near U.S. 23 and 475 on West Sylvania Ave.

While this class is much like those of previous years, there two very important parts of the registration that must be done prior to the event.

#1 Candidates must be registered with the Grand Lodge through me prior to July 22, 2019. I must report to the Grand Secretary the name, Grand lodge #, and mentor for each candidate attending the class. Please give me this information ASAP.

#2  Candidates and mentors must be registered with Camp Masonry. Google “Camp Masonry” for more information. There is a $50 fee to register the candidate and mentor, but it does include  meals and other perks. I suggest getting this done soon to avoid any problems. Candidates and mentors should arrive by mid-morning and the 2nd section of the MM degree will begin at nightfall, so the work will last into the late evening.   

Refer to Edicts 2019-2, 2019-3, and 2019-4 issued in early January which authorize and outline procedures to be followed for this Grand Master’s Class.

As in the past, candidates who have received the EA and/or FC degrees previously are required to witness all three degrees on the 10th.

The Fifth District is portraying the EA degree and those participating in the degree work will be registered by the District Association unless they have already done so.

While we can never overrate the importance of quality degree work, this is a great opportunity to enjoy the many “fringe” benefits of Freemasonry by participating in this retreat. The educational programs and opportunities to socialize with men who have proven themselves to be of good moral character abound.

Please contact me if there are questions unanswered.


Bob Rettig,

5th District Coordinator

P.S. Reminder – The Deputy Grand Master’s roll out program is scheduled for August 11 at 1:00pm at Wood County Lodge.

Award 2019 and the Upcoming One Day Class

Brothers All, first, let me say that the Awards Banquet was so much fun this year, Anna enjoyed the gala occasion. Thank you to all of the officers that helped to make it a success! And to the members of the Fabulous Fifth District, for without you, we wouldn’t have an Awards Banquet. Joe, thank you and Kathy for your help and support. To the Brothers and wives that were not there, you were missed.

Now, on to the rest of the year, we have a Grand Masters Class to be part of in the 11th District, we have a EA Degree team selected, so we will schedule practices for the upcoming event, I will be getting a communication out to the participants for that soon.

All in all, with the Inspections, Grand Masters Reception and Awards Banquet finished for the year, to the Officers of the District and to the Masters and Officers of the Lodges of the 5th District, THANK YOU!

Paul Kelly DDGM

Fifth District Awards Night a Success

Thanks to all who ateneded the awards night in Bryan OH last night.  The DDGMs and Fifth District Officers put together a fun "Beach Party" themed awards dinner (pics to follow soon).  The Award recipients for last night are:

  • Hackett Award: Sherwood Lodge
  • GM Reception Award: Wauseon Lodge
  • Best Attended Inspection: Wauseon Lodge
  • Traveling Trophy: Wauseon Lodge
  • Best Inspection: Wauseon Lodge
  • Bee Hive Award: Bryan Patterson (Fulton)
  • George O. Braatz Award: Sherwood Lodge
  • Master of the Year: Walter Harper (Sycamore)
  • First Time Lecturer: Jaz Bluhm (Wauseon)
  • Education Award: Levi Keller (Fulton)
  • First Time Charge: Shawn Griffin (Fulton), Lynn Leatherman (Liberty Center)
  • Hiram Abiff Award: Craig Szczublewski (Fulton)
  • Mason of the Year: Bill Pacak (Fulton)
  • Perfect Attendance: 20


2019 DGM Rollout Schedule

The Deputy Grand Master, Right Worshipful Brother Keith W. Newton, will roll out his plans and expectations for the 2019 - 2020 Masonic year on the dates and locations listed above. The sessions are intended to provide Brethren and their ladies an update on Grand Lodge activity and future plans for the coming year.

Each roll out will be preceded with light refreshments and social time. The dress code for each session is business casual. (No coats, no ties and no jeans please). We look forward to seeing you and your ladies at one of these events in August. Have a great summer!

2019 Deputy Grand Master Roll Out Schedule

08/05/2019 7:00pm Scioto #6 57 East Main Street, Chillicothe, OH 45601
08/07/2019 7:00pm Huber Heights #777 7778 Wildcat Road, Huber Heights, OH 45424
08/08/2019 7:00pm Mercer #121 111 S Front St, St Marys, OH 45885
08/11/2019 1:00pm Wood County #112 159 N Main St, Bowling Green, OH 43402
08/11/2019 7:00pm Western Reserve #507 216 W Main St, West Farmington, OH 44491
08/12/2019 7:00pm Tuscarawas #59 735 N Wooster Ave, Dover, OH 44622
08/13/2019 7:00pm Medina #58 5931 Nettleton Rd, Medina, OH 44256
08/14/2019 7:00pm Bucyrus #39 1224 S Sandusky Ave, Bucyrus, OH 44820
08/15/2019 7:00pm Aerospace #800 875 Irving Wick Dr W, Heath, OH 43056
08/19/2019 7:00pm Milford #54 32 Water St, Milford, OH 45150
08/20/2019 7:00pm Grove City #689 3558 Park St, Grove City, OH 43123


5th District Awards Banquet - May 17

5th District Awards Banquet
Where: Bryan Masonic Temple 
Beach Theme, wear your shorts and muscle shirts if you dare!
When: May 17, 2019
Dinner : 6:00PM
Full Catered Event this year.
Cost: $15.00 per person.
Deadline for reservations is May 8, 2019
This is a firm date.
Let your Lodge Masters know ASAP.

Grand Masters Reception 2019 Photos


District Deputy Grand Masters
R.W.B. Martin Lawrence
Sycamore Lodge #520
R.W.B. James E. Parsons
Liberty Center Lodge #518
District Education Officers
W.B. Dennis Richardson
Wauseon Lodge #349
W.B. Craig Szczublewski
Fulton Lodge #248
District Advisor
R.W.B. Robert R. Rettig
Napoleon Lodge #256
District Education Chair
R.W.B. Robert "Joe" Stotler
Hicksville Lodge #478
W.B. Dennis Richardson
Wauseon Lodge #349
1st Vice President
W.B. Chris Meeker
Wauseon Lodge #349
2nd Vice President
Ryan Bleck
Hicksville Lodge #478
W.B. Craig Szczublewski
707 Main St
Delta, OH 43515
Fulton Lodge #248
R.W.B. Douglas W. Eis
Napoleon Lodge #256
District Prospect Manager
R.W.B. Richard McKibben
Fulton Lodge #248
W.B. Craig Szczublewski
Fulton Lodge #248