published by mastermason on Mon, 03/05/2018 - 18:06

We are excited to introduce a valuable new tool that has been created by our Brothers in the 14th
District. It is named the Master Craftsman Log Book. The Master Craftsman Log Book is a useful way to track our candidate’s accomplishments as they make their journey into Freemasonry. By using this log you will have, in one location, a quick reference showing the dates of each Degree and Exam. You will also have a record of which of the three proficiencies the candidate had chosen for each Degree. Keep in mind, it is the Candidates choice of which proficiency he will use. He has the choice of Long Form Proficiency, Short Form Proficiency and, our new, Alternate Proficiency. Our 5th District Lodges are encouraged to use this log. The Worshipful Master, Secretary and LEO should strive collectively to keep it current. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to forward them to your District Education Officers. Contact information is in your year book and on the Fabulous 5th website.
WB Martin L. Lawrence, DEO
WB Dan Hall, DEO