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Deputy Grand Master Rollout Program

Right Worshipful Brother Timothy S. Wheeland, Deputy Grand Master, has announced his schedule of rollout programs for the summer of 2021.
RWB Wheeland’s rollout programs will be presented across the state starting on July 19, 2021. The rollout program presentation is designed to inform the Brethren and their ladies across the state regarding the details of the plans that will be implemented during to the 2021 – 2022 Masonic year.
July 19, 2021 - Huber Heights Lodge #777 - 7778 Wildcat Road, Huber Heights, Ohio 45424-1942
July 20, 2021 - Guernsey Lodge #66 - 730 Wheeling Avenue, Cambridge, Ohio 43725
July 21, 2021 - University Lodge #631 - 2436 W. Dublin Granville Rd., Columbus, Ohio 43235
July 26, 2021 - Milford Lodge #54 - 32 Water Street, Milford, Ohio 45150
July 27, 2021 - Findlay Lodge #227 - 303 Osborn Avenue, Findlay, Ohio 45840
July 28, 2021 - Scioto Lodge #6 - 57 East Main Street, Chillicothe, Ohio 45601
August 2, 2021 - Star Lodge #187 - 2307 Sackett Avenue, Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44223
August 3, 2021 - Paramuthia Lodge #25 - 12 West Carpenter Street, Athens, Ohio 45701
August 4, 2021 - Mansfield Masonic Complex - 1250 Middle Bellville Road, Mansfield, Ohio 44904
District Deputy Grand Masters
R.W.B. Martin Lawrence
Sycamore Lodge #520
R.W.B. James E. Parsons
Liberty Center Lodge #518
District Education Officers
W.B. Dennis Richardson
Wauseon Lodge #349
W.B. Craig Szczublewski
Fulton Lodge #248
District Advisor
R.W.B. Robert R. Rettig
Napoleon Lodge #256
District Education Chair
R.W.B. Robert "Joe" Stotler
Hicksville Lodge #478
W.B. Dennis Richardson
Wauseon Lodge #349
1st Vice President
W.B. Chris Meeker
Wauseon Lodge #349
2nd Vice President
Ryan Bleck
Hicksville Lodge #478
W.B. Craig Szczublewski
707 Main St
Delta, OH 43515
Fulton Lodge #248
R.W.B. Douglas W. Eis
Napoleon Lodge #256
District Prospect Manager
R.W.B. Richard McKibben
Fulton Lodge #248
W.B. Craig Szczublewski
Fulton Lodge #248