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Fifth District Grand Masters Class Schedule

Having had to cancel original plans for our Grand Master’s Class, there were a few lodges who requested the district to consider conducting one prior to the end of the “Masonic” year.
The district officers have decided to schedule two days (as permitted in the Grand Master’s edict) to offer the three degrees to candidates. The EA and FC Degrees will be portrayed in Wauseon on Saturday, August 1, 2020, and the MM Degree will be in Defiance on Saturday, August 22, 2020. Registration will begin at 8:00 a.m. and the degree work starts at 9:00 a.m. both days. We will conclude prior to lunch thereby eliminating the need to prepare for a lunch under Covid-19 restrictions.
The guidelines for this class are very similar to previous classes. Each candidate must attend all three degrees even though he may already be an EA or FC. The Lodge is responsible for providing the Holy Book and Apron. There must also be an assigned Master Craftsman for each candidate. The proficiency requirement for the candidates is to return to a stated meeting in their Lodge within 60 days following the date of their MM Degree. At that time they will be issued their permanent dues card.  
The Grand lodge will provide candidate packets containing a mini set of square and compasses, Apron case and a copy of “Preparing the Ashlar”. For that reason and the fact that we are working with a short time frame I must have names of the candidates by Wednesday, July 15 so that the packets can be prepared and arrangements made for pick up prior to August 1. The potential candidates reported to me thus far include 4 from Fulton, 2 from Hicksville and 2 from Sycamore.
While we want this to be a memorable event for our new brothers, we are also aware that the virus is still with us and we want to take every precaution necessary to keep all our brothers healthy. This is part of the reasoning to make it a two day event – to allow social distancing with a minimal number of brothers attending.
Bob Rettig, DA, PDDGM

Grand Masters Visitation July 25, 2020

Great News! Pencil this in on your calendars. No, ink it in!
The 11th District has invited us to be a part of a Grand Master’s visitation/reception to be held on Saturday, July 25, 2020. Plans are to have 2 reconsecration ceremonies for two 11th district lodges during the afternoon with a dinner and program in the evening. RWB Steve Grindle has been in conversation with the Grand Master this past week to confirm the date.
There are still many questions to be answered, but tentative plans are to recognize masters of the lodges, recipients of Grand Lodge awards (community service, excellence in youth, etc.) and possibly others.
While reservations still may be limited to adhere to Covid-19 guidelines, we are hoping to honor our Grand Master, our Grand lodge officers, and award recipients with a nice group from the 5th District. I have consulted with our DDGMs as soon as I heard this was in process and they are excited that this opportunity has been presented to us.
Mark July 25 on your calendar and more details will be released as they become available.
Bob Rettig, DA

Grand Lodge of Ohio Communication regarding COVID-19 Pandemic

Brothers all,
On the evening of April 22, 2020, the DDGM's across Ohio were invited to a virtual meeting with the Grand Master of Ohio, Keith Newton. Many topics were discuseed and we had a good meeting.
  • Our last two inspections, Napoleon and Sycamore, have been cancelled. They will be given a good report going back to their Pre-inspections that had taken place previously.  All Brothers with Perfect Attendance at Liberty Center Inspection is considered as being complete and will be given plaques accordingly.
  • Special Olympics that would have been in June has been cancelled.
  • A dispensation will be issued for Lodges to meet in July and August to make up for any missed meetings if they wish to do this. The dispensation will be issued to waive any disciplinary action for Lodges that do not meet their minimum Stated meetings in 2020 due to cessation orders,
  • All Reconsecration and Re-dedications will be re-scheduled yet this year.
  • As of now, the One Day class has been postponed.  To be determined later if it will be re-scheduled.
  • Our Grand Master Reception had been postponed.  It will possibly be re-scheduled under a different format.  The Grand Master wants to give the Excellence in Youth Awards and also the Community Service Award.
  • Grand Lodge of Ohio is still scheduled for October 23 - 24, 2020 at the Roberts Center in Wilmington, Ohio.  Reservation information is forth coming.
  • Grand Master Keith Newton wanted to remind Lodges to continue to give to charitites.  One charity that was mentioned is Sharon Newton's charity, "Sleep in Heavenly Peace".  This charity builds and delivers beds to children who don't have one. There is still a great need for these.
All Brothers of your Lodges need to be notified of these changes in our schedule.
If you have any questions, please call me.
Robert Stotler, DDGM

Obituary: WB Dale Rice, Sherwood 620

Worshipful Master Jack Stevens of Sherwood Lodge informed us today that Worshipful Brother Dale Rice passed from this life into the Celestial Lodge above. May our thoughts and prayers be with his family and friends. He was a Past Master of Sherwood Lodge and a member of the Valley of Toledo, AASR.

Drive by visitations are planned on Thursday and Friday at Deal - Rice Funeral Home - Huntington Chapel and at Poplar Ridge Church of the Brethren, Defiance, on Saturday from 10:00 - noon. Graveside service will follow at Poplar Ridge Cemetery.

Obituary: WB Richard Savage of Hicksville 478

Its with a sad heart I have to post this message. Richard Savage a 50 plus year member of Hicksville Lodge 478, the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite and the Zenobia Shriners passed away yesterday  morning at 5am. Dick was very active in his Masonry till his health got so bad he couldn't attend. He was the Master of his lodge in his 80's. There is a great hole in our Masonry caused by his passing. Rest well brother

Grand Lodge of Ohio Cancels all Masonic Activity through May 10, 2020

Brethren All

Effectively immediately, I declare all Lodge activities, including but not limited to Stated Meetings, Annual Inspections, Ceremonies, Grand Master Receptions, the Grand Masters Class event and Special Meetings of all Ohio Lodges holding allegiance under the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Ohio to be CANCELLED through May 10, 2020. The following directives will support continued business during this period where meetings are restricted:

  • All usual and customary bills for utilities, taxes, and services acted upon by the Lodge can be approved with consent of the Worshipful Master, Senior Warden, Junior Warden, Secretary and Treasurer during this period. Phone or email are acceptable modes of communication and should be recorded by the Secretary.
  • No Lodge will be disciplined for not meeting the minimum required meetings according to our Code this Masonic year due to this national pandemic.

"Step Into The Light" Brethren. I suggest you use your time now to promote and care for each other. Call your Lodge brethren and widows to lend a hand. Even if we are not able to visit with each other, we can drop off any needed groceries or prescriptions where needed. The time is now more than ever to live our tenets of Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth.

This letter applies to all masonic lodges, their craft clubs, committees, Temple Companies, social events, and district associations. These guidelines and directives apply to all Ohio Masons including appendant Ohio Masonic orders.

We will continue to provide regular updates to these guidelines as changes develop. Meetings and events will be rescheduled at a future time.


Keith W. Newton


Fraternal Feud at Camp Masonry

There will be a quiz show event at Camp Masonry this year called Fraternal Feud. This event has been held in the 11th district a couple of times and it is a really fun event to test teams on their knowledge in such categories as Ritual, Symbolism, Famous Freemasons, and other categories.

The organizers of Camp Masonry would like to have a District vs. District competition this year and would love for the 5th District to put a team together to compete against the 11th, 16th, and 17th Districts. There are some rules for who can be on the 4 man team:

1 Past Master (can be a PDDGM, PDEO, etc.)
1 primary officer (WM, SW, or JW)
1 other officer (Deacon, Steward, Secretary, Tyler, etc.)
1 Master Mason (non-officer, non-PM)
No current Deputies, DEOs, District Advisors, etc.

Would the 5th District be interested in putting a team together for this event? Reach out to Martin Lawerence (DEO) if you might want to participate. 

Grand Masters Reception Cancelled on March 27

Under the advisement of our DDGMs and DA, and with support from the Grand Lodge of Ohio, the March 27 Grand Master's Reception in the 5th Masonic District is cancelled. NWSCC is acting in compliance with a recent statement from the Governor of Ohio regarding cancelling of large attendance events through March. In light of the short timeframe and ongoing concerns regarding large assemblies, we are not planning an alternate venue for that day. We have a district association meeting on Sunday March 15 to discuss next steps and will keep you informed.

Toledo AASR cancelling March events

Dear Brethren,

After much deliberation and on the recommendation from the Deputy for Ohio I have decided to cancel all Scottish Rite Events for the remainder of the month of March, 2020. This includes the Ambassador Meeting on March 25th, Henry County Scottish Rite Association meeting on March 26th. Degree practices may continue at the discretion of the Degree Director and the Head of the Body. I will continue to monitor this situation and will make a determination about events in the month of April by the end of March. My hope is that everyone will continue to remain healthy and those that may get sick have a speedy and full recovery. If there is anything anyone needs please feel free to reach out to Ill. Bro. Jeremy Z. Sharninghouse, Executive Secretary, at the Valley Office.

Trent T. Dominique, 33°
Deputy’s Representative, Valley of Toledo-AASR

Volunteers needed for Special Olympics

Brothers, as many of you who attended Sherwood Inspection heard from our District Advisor, there is a need for volunteers at the Special Olympics of Ohio Winter Games at Bowling Green State University on February 21-23. We have an opportunity here in our own back yard to show the public what Masonry is all about. They need volunteers to help with several areas throughout this weekend. As Special Olympics is something that we help sponsor, we have an chance to show the public what Masonry is all about. Help is needed on the 21st from 3:30pm to 7:00pm, all day on Saturday the 22nd and from 8:00am am untill 4:00 pm on the 23rd. If you are interested in help please contact WB Gary Norris at 419-574-3192 and he will add you to the list. Please let Gary know by January 29.


District Deputy Grand Masters
R.W.B. Martin Lawrence
Sycamore Lodge #520
R.W.B. James E. Parsons
Liberty Center Lodge #518
District Education Officers
W.B. Dennis Richardson
Wauseon Lodge #349
W.B. Craig Szczublewski
Fulton Lodge #248
District Advisor
R.W.B. Robert R. Rettig
Napoleon Lodge #256
District Education Chair
R.W.B. Robert "Joe" Stotler
Hicksville Lodge #478
W.B. Dennis Richardson
Wauseon Lodge #349
1st Vice President
W.B. Chris Meeker
Wauseon Lodge #349
2nd Vice President
Ryan Bleck
Hicksville Lodge #478
W.B. Craig Szczublewski
707 Main St
Delta, OH 43515
Fulton Lodge #248
R.W.B. Douglas W. Eis
Napoleon Lodge #256
District Prospect Manager
R.W.B. Richard McKibben
Fulton Lodge #248
W.B. Craig Szczublewski
Fulton Lodge #248