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Friendship Night @ The Walleys

Education Chairman

We now have an education chairman for the 5th District whose name has been submitted to the Grand Lodge Education Committee. After reviewing the duties and responsibilities of the position, RWB Darrell Miller of Hicksville Lodge #478 has accepted the challenge of working with our DEOs to promote the Grand Lodge education program in the 5th District.

We welcome him to our 5th District leadership team.


Bob Rettig, DA

Zenobia Christmas Party: Open to Non-Shriners also!

New Masters Dinner

Dear 2018-2019 Worshipful Masters:
On behalf of the leadership and members of Zenobia Shriners, I cordially invite you and your lady, as our guest, to a congratulatory dinner honoring you as the new Master of your Lodge.
Date: Friday, December 14, 2018
Time: 6 PM Social Hour, 7 PM Dinner
Place: Zenobia Temple
8048 Broadstone Blvd
Perrysburg, OH 43551
The Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of F&AM Ohio, Most Worshipful Brother Jess N Raines will be present to meet the new Masonic leadership in Northwest Ohio, share fellowship and discuss his plans for the coming year. Please plan to join us for this great opportunity; I hope to see you there!
Fraternally yours,
Thomas W Binder, Potentate
Please RSVP to or call 419-661-9200 By December 1, 2018

District Lodge Installation Dates

Fulton 248 11/8 7:00PM
Hicksville 478 11/14 7:30PM
Wauseon 349 11/16 7:00PM
Sherwood 620 / Omega 594 11/19 7:30 PM
Bryan 215 11/20 7:30PM
Napoleon 256 11/20 7:30PM
Edon 474 12/3 7:00PM

2019 District Inspection Schedule


Friday, January 11
Hicksville No. 478
Inspection in MM Degree
DDGM: Kelly, DEO: Hall
Thursday, January 24
Fulton No. 249
Inspection in FC Degree, Dinner at 6:00pm
DDGM: Stotler, DEO: Lawrence
Friday, January 25
Wauseon No. 349
Inspection in MM Degree
DDGM: Stotler, DEO: Lawrence
Friday, February 8
Sherwood No. 620
Inspection in MM Degree
DDGM: Kelly, DEO: Lawrence
Friday, February 15
Edon No. 474
Inspection in MM Degree
DDGM: Kelly, DEO: Hall
Thursday, February 21
Grand Rapids No. 289 (Honerary Lodge of the 5th Masonic District)
Inspection in EA Degree
Friday, March 8
Bryan No. 215
Inspection in EA Degree
DDGM: Stotler, DEO: Lawrence
Friday, March 15
Napoleon No. 256
Inspection in EA Degree, Jiggs Dinner @ 6pm
DDGM: Kelly, DEO: Hall
Friday, March 22
Liberty Center No. 518
Inspection in EA Degree
DDGM: Stotler, DEO: Hall
Friday, April 12
Sycamore No. 520
Inspection in FC Degree
DDGM: Kelly, DEO: Hall
Friday, April 26
Omega No. 564
Inspection in FC Degree
DDGM: Stotler, DEO: Lawrence


Wardens & Deacons Class

The 5th District will be holding their Wardens & Deacons class on December 8, 2018.  The location will be the Defiance Masonic Temple at 9am.  Expect the class to run about 2 hours.  Donuts and Coffee will be provided, dress is business casual.  All wardens and deacons for the 2019 year are expected to attend.  Contact are DEOs (info at the bottom of the webpage) with any questions.

2019 Key Dates and Deadlines

October 20 DDGMs should have contacted all their lodges to schedule Awards presentations
October 27 Deputies and DEOs Training Session - Springfield — Ohio Masonic Hbrne
December 1 Names of District Scholarship Chairman due to Grand Secretary
December 31 All 50, 60, 65, 70, 75 services awards should be completed
March 9 State Secretaries Association Annual Meeting - Columbus
March 1 Deadline for submitting Scholarship applications to Districts
April 1 Names of Scholarship winners due to the Chairman of the GL Scholarship Committee
April 14 » 21 Holy Week
May 1 Districts must notify scholarship winners by this date.
May 31 Rufus Putnam Award Nominations deadline — to Award chairman
June 1 Donations for Special Olympics due to Grand Lodge Charitable Foundation
June 9 Ohio Masonic Home Day - Springfield
June 28 Special Olympics State Games - Columbus
August 1 Deadline for Grand Master’s Medal of Honor submissions
August 30 Deadline for submissions for Grand Master's Awards


Zenobia Shrine Friendship night in the 5th

Zenobia Shriners is bringing a Friendship Night to the 5th Masonic District on November 2 at Fulton Lodge #238 in Delta. Social at 6:00pm Dinner at 7:00

Our Masonic Organizations have a common goal of “GROWTH.” To achieve this growth, we have found it extremely beneficial to offer an overview of Freemasonry, its history and its strengths. This program is informative not only to potential Masons, but also to long-time Masons.

This event is tailored to new candidates and their ladies. Information being shared is well-suited to provide a rudimentary understanding of our fraternity.

This event is offered as a no-cost event for candidates, sponsors, and their ladies. A small fee is charged ($10) to those who would like to attend, but do not bring a potential Mason with them.

Appetizers, dinner, and beverages are provided.

Attire is casual

While Zenobia Shriners conducts this event, we only spend a small portion of the night on Shriners. Keep in mind, Freemasonry in North America spends $3 million per day on charitable causes. The Shriners account for $2.7 million of that number.

Please spread the word as this is a “Can’t Miss” event. We ask that at a minimum at least 10 candidates or more attend.

Please make your reservation to this event by calling: 419-297-4779

November District Meeting

Brothers  All,

There will be an annual meeting of the 5th Masonic District on the 3rd of November starting at 8:00AM sharp, (there will be a breakfast casserole), we will have breakfast while we meet to save time, Omega Lodge starts at 9:00AM. We should be done by then. Our agenda is mostly to elect the officers for the ensuing year, if you plan on running for an office, please be present. 
Please plan to attend, as your vote and opinion matter. Our new District Advisor will be in attendance also.
Brothers, thank you for all that you do for the Craft.
Paul Kelly DDGM


District Deputy Grand Masters
R.W.B. Martin Lawrence
Sycamore Lodge #520
R.W.B. James E. Parsons
Liberty Center Lodge #518
District Education Officers
W.B. Dennis Richardson
Wauseon Lodge #349
W.B. Craig Szczublewski
Fulton Lodge #248
District Advisor
R.W.B. Robert R. Rettig
Napoleon Lodge #256
District Education Chair
R.W.B. Robert "Joe" Stotler
Hicksville Lodge #478
W.B. Dennis Richardson
Wauseon Lodge #349
1st Vice President
W.B. Chris Meeker
Wauseon Lodge #349
2nd Vice President
Ryan Bleck
Hicksville Lodge #478
W.B. Craig Szczublewski
707 Main St
Delta, OH 43515
Fulton Lodge #248
R.W.B. Douglas W. Eis
Napoleon Lodge #256
District Prospect Manager
R.W.B. Richard McKibben
Fulton Lodge #248
W.B. Craig Szczublewski
Fulton Lodge #248