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RWB Paul Kelly finishes his term as DDGM for the Fabulous Fifth

To the Brothers of the 5th Masonic District of Ohio, thank you all so very much for all of the support that you have shown me for the last 3 years. Sadly, I surrendered the jewel of my office this morning at Marietta Ohio at the 210th communication of the Grand Lodge.

I sincerely hope and pray that I have lived up to the expectations of the District. It was a bitter sweet day as I sit here in our hotel room this evening realising that I have actually retired twice this year, the first time at the end of January from my regular vocation after 40 years of service, now today, after serving as your District Deputy Grand Master for three years, however, I will stay active in my Masonic life!

Brothers, it was my pleasure to have served you!
Good luck to my replacement, RWB Bill Pacak!

District Deputy Grand Masters
R.W.B. Martin Lawrence
Sycamore Lodge #520
R.W.B. James E. Parsons
Liberty Center Lodge #518
District Education Officers
W.B. Dennis Richardson
Wauseon Lodge #349
W.B. Craig Szczublewski
Fulton Lodge #248
District Advisor
R.W.B. Robert R. Rettig
Napoleon Lodge #256
District Education Chair
R.W.B. Robert "Joe" Stotler
Hicksville Lodge #478
W.B. Dennis Richardson
Wauseon Lodge #349
1st Vice President
W.B. Chris Meeker
Wauseon Lodge #349
2nd Vice President
Ryan Bleck
Hicksville Lodge #478
W.B. Craig Szczublewski
707 Main St
Delta, OH 43515
Fulton Lodge #248
R.W.B. Douglas W. Eis
Napoleon Lodge #256
District Prospect Manager
R.W.B. Richard McKibben
Fulton Lodge #248
W.B. Craig Szczublewski
Fulton Lodge #248