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2017 District Inspection Schedule

Friday, January 13
Hicksville No. 478
Inspection in EA Degree, Refreshments After
DDGM: Rettig, DEO: Pacak
Friday, January 20
Wauseon No. 349
Inspection in EA Degree, Dinner 6pm
DDGM: Kelly, DEO: Lyne
Friday, February 3
Sherwood No. 620
Inspection in EA Degree, Refreshments After
DDGM: Kelly, DEO: Lyne
Friday, February 10
Edon No. 474
Inspection in EA Degree, Refreshments After
DDGM: Kelly, DEO: Lyne
Friday, February 24
Fulton No. 248
Inspection in MM Degree, Dinner 6pm
DDGM: Rettig, DEO: Lyne
Friday, March 3
Bryan No. 215
Inspection in FC Degree, Refreshments After
DDGM: Rettig, DEO: Pacak
Friday, March 10
Napoleon No. 256
Inspection in FC Degree, Dinner 6pm
DDGM: Kelly, DEO: Pacak
Saturday, March 18
Liberty Center No. 518
Inspection in FC Degree, Refreshments After
DDGM: Rettig, DEO: Lyne
Saturday, April 1
Omega No. 564
Inspection in MM Degree, Lunch After
DDGM: Rettig, DEO: Pacak
Friday, April 7
Sycamore No. 520
Inspection in MM Degree, Refreshments After
DDGM: Kelly, DEO: Pacak


District Installation Schedule

Wednesday, November 9
Hicksville No. 478
Officer Installation, stated meeting night
Friday, November 11
Wauseon No. 349
Officer Installation and Awards Night
Sunday, November 20
Fulton No. 248
Open Installation
Monday, November 28
Liberty Center No. 518
Officer Installation / Stated Meeting
Wednesday, November 30 Bryan No. 215
Officer Installation
Monday, December 5 Sherwood No. 215
Officer Installation / Stated Meeting
Monday, December 5 Edon No. 474
Officer Installation / Stated Meeting
Saturday, December 10 Sycamore No. 520
Officer Installation / Stated Meeting


11th Masonic District Table Lodge December 10, 2016

Hi Brethren,
The 11th Masonic District of Ohio is having a Table Lodge of Instruction. The date is Saturday, December 10, 2016, time is 8:00am in the morning to 11:00am. The cost of the event is $10.00. The host lodge is Rubicon Lodge #237 in Waterville. The Grand Master of Ohio MWB Douglas N. Kaylor will be the guest speaker. Please come out and join us for the Table Lodge of Instruction and meet our Grand Master. If you have never been to a Table Lodge it is a great time for one and all. This is a Tyled Lodge and aprons must be worn for the event. All EA's in the district are encourage to attend. If you have any question please contact of of the 11th Masonic District Officers they will be more then willing to answer any questions. Hope to see all of you on December 10, 2016 for the Table lodge of Instruction.
Fraternally Yours,
RWB John J. Zettler DDGM

Edon Lodge News

Edon Lodge will be exemplifying the MM Degree on December 10, 2016 at 9:00AM.  If you are not busy, the Brothers of Edon Lodge would appreciate any help with the Degree work.
Jeff Mills WM


District Association Annual Meeting Meeting & Officer Elections

New 5th District Association Line Officers for 2017, from left to right: President Steve Brunn, 2nd VP John Westhoven, 1st VP Bryan Patterson, Treasurer Doug Eis, Secretary Craig Szczublewski.  All other district appointments can be found at the bottom of this page.

RWB Paul Kelly's Installation as DDGM

MSA Disaster Relief Fund

The Masonic Service Association has established a Disaster Relief Fund for North Carolina, as massive flooding has hit the state in an aftermath of Hurricane Matthew.
The rampaging waters caused by the hurricane and its drenching rainfall have resulted in protective levies breaking or leaking. An Interstate highway has only recently been reopened and power outages persist in numerous areas of the state.
The Grand Lodge of North Carolina reported that three Lodge buildings were heavily damaged by the flooding conditions, and reports of damage or injury to Masonic families are expected.
Please forward to the MSA such donations, which you feel are appropriate to help our devastated Brothers, their families and others in this stricken jurisdiction. Please make checks payable to MSA Disaster Relief Fund and send them to: Masonic Service Association, 3905 National Drive, Suite 280, Burtonsville, MD 20866. When remitting funds to MSA, please mark checks, “North Carolina Appeal.”
Also, donations may be made on MSA’s webpage -- with the use of a credit card. This allows funds to reach their destination faster.
MSA is a 501 (c) (3) charitable organization.
George O. Braatz, PGM, Executive Secretary
Masonic Service Association of North America
3905 National Drive, Suite 280
Burtonsville, MD 30866

Eastern Star District 7 Bus Trip

Come Join District 7

Order of the Eastern Star

for a Bus trip!



February 25, 2017

Departing at 9:00am

from Walmart parking lot in Wauseon OH


Returning 6:00pm

Cost: $40.00

RSVP and payment due no later than January 8, 2017


Todd Evans 22365 State Route 2 Archbold OH 43502


All masonic and non-masonic friends are welcome

All guests will receive $20 in free slot play and $5 to use toward dining

DDGM Installation for RWB Paul Kelly

Installation of District Deputy Grand Master
5th Masonic District of Ohio
You are invited to the open Installation of Right Worshipful Brother Paul Kelly As District Deputy Grand Master of the “Fabulous Fifth” Masonic District. To be held on Friday, October 28th at 7:00 PM, at Bryan Masonic Lodge, Located at 117 North Lynn St., Bryan, Ohio 43543. Light refreshments after.
Come share this occasion with the brethren of Bryan Lodge and the 5th District.

WB Creager's 70 year service award invitation

Brothers All,

You are invited to attend WB Ralph J. Creager's 70 year service award presentation to be held at his house in Liberty Center, Ohio.  Daughter Julie asked that we fill the house with Brothers to wish our elder statesman a hearty congratulations for a job well done.  Past Grand Master MWB Robert Rill, Jr. will present the award.

Please meet at the Lodge in Liberty Center at 6:00 p.m. on Monday, October 24, and we will car-pool to Ralph's house at 6:30 p.m.

You are invited back to the Lodge afterward for a brief stated meeting and continuance of our OPEN annual awards presentation. Cake and ice cream will be served.

When: Monday October 24 - meet at the Liberty Center Lodge at 6:00 p.m.
Please RSVP to WB Jim Parsons by phone at 419-782-0172 by October 20

Thank you from the brothers of Liberty Center Lodge # 518 


District Deputy Grand Masters
R.W.B. Martin Lawrence
Sycamore Lodge #520
R.W.B. James E. Parsons
Liberty Center Lodge #518
District Education Officers
W.B. Dennis Richardson
Wauseon Lodge #349
W.B. Craig Szczublewski
Fulton Lodge #248
District Advisor
R.W.B. Robert R. Rettig
Napoleon Lodge #256
District Education Chair
R.W.B. Robert "Joe" Stotler
Hicksville Lodge #478
W.B. Dennis Richardson
Wauseon Lodge #349
1st Vice President
W.B. Chris Meeker
Wauseon Lodge #349
2nd Vice President
Ryan Bleck
Hicksville Lodge #478
W.B. Craig Szczublewski
707 Main St
Delta, OH 43515
Fulton Lodge #248
R.W.B. Douglas W. Eis
Napoleon Lodge #256
District Prospect Manager
R.W.B. Richard McKibben
Fulton Lodge #248
W.B. Craig Szczublewski
Fulton Lodge #248