published by mastermason on Thu, 10/29/2015 - 18:54
Father, Son, and Grandfather. -photo courtesy of RWB Matt Gloor
published by mastermason on Thu, 10/29/2015 - 08:44
Hicksville Lodge #478 Invites you to attend the 66th Annual Thanksgiving Day MM Degree.
6AM gavel drops for the 1st and 2nd sections. Pancake sausage breakfast follows immediately, usually by 9:30 am everyone is eating.
Whole hog sausage for sale in 2 LB packs for $5 each.
The Grand Master will be there as will his entourage from the 11th.
Come early! Seating will be around 125 brothers from around the area, as well as Indiana, Michigan and Pennsylvania brothers who come every year!
published by mastermason on Sun, 10/25/2015 - 11:36
R.W.B. Chris King and R.W.B. Robert Rettig after being sworn in as D.D.G.M.s for the 5th Masonic District.
published by mastermason on Sun, 10/25/2015 - 11:21
W.B. Bill Pacak of Fulton Lodge #248 was inducted as District Education Officer for 2016 for the 5th Masonic District at Grand Lodge. Bill will share the role with W.B. Larry Lyne from Napoleon #256.
published by mastermason on Thu, 09/17/2015 - 09:57
Bryan Lodge will have a special meeting on October 20th starting at 7:00PM for the purpose of conferring the MM degree. We can use anyone that shows up.
Thanks for all that you do!
Paul Kelly
published by mastermason on Fri, 09/11/2015 - 07:13
Tom DeFriee informed us that the Special meeting planned on September 19 has been cancelled.
Sycamore Lodge 520 is having special meeting on Sept. 19, 2015 at 7pm awarding several members their sevice awards. We have a 70, 60 ,40 & 25 year pins being presented by the Grand Master. Refreshments will be severed after & presentation is an open event once Lodge is open. Any questions please email or call; my number is in the district year book.
Thanks, Tom DeFrieze. WM
published by mastermason on Tue, 08/04/2015 - 21:24
Dear Brethren,
We would like you to support the 1st Annual Edon Masonic Lodge Liberty Run on Saturday September 26th, 2015 at Nettle Lake. I have included a registration form for participation in the 5K. If you do not wish to participate in the event we invite you to donate to the cause or volunteer for event day. Below is the information for we have put together for business sponsorships. If you know of any business that would be interested in sponsoring please pass the information on.
The Edon Masonic Lodge would like to know if you are interested in supporting this year’s event. With a sponsorship you receive your name on this year’s tee shirt printed by our own Bills LockerRoom, either your name or logo, as well as your own Tee Shirt. The event will be held on September 26th, 2015 at Nettie’s Stop & Shop at Nettle Lake, Ohio.
Cost for sponsorship is $50 with a check to be made out to The Edon Masonic Lodge #474. Since we need to get shirts made up with your logo and or name please respond by 8/25/2015. Send check to Nettie’s Stop & Shop, 17988 Co. Rd. 4-75, Montpelier, Ohio 43543. Please send logo or name that you want to have displayed to
Please mark the shirt size you would like to receive.
Small – Medium – Large – Extra Large – 2 X Large
Thank You,
Edon Masonic Lodge!!!
published by mastermason on Fri, 07/17/2015 - 16:11
I have not done a very good job of promoting the Ohio - Pennsylvania unity night that has been going on since 2010. It is indeed going to be held again this year.
The event is September 15, 2015 at the Youngstown Masonic Temple, 223 Wick Avenue, Youngstown, Ohio 45501. The meeting will begin at 7:00pm with a light meal to follow I am sure that the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania will have a great turnout and we should do the same, as the host Grand Lodge.
All Master Masons are welcome. I encourage each of the District Deputies to notify their lodges and the DEOs in the District to get the word out to all. I ask that you send to all of your Masonic mailing lists so that as many who can sees it.
I apologize for not getting this out before the Lodges went dark, but please do the best you can.
Steve Cokonougher
published by mastermason on Sat, 06/13/2015 - 19:21
August 8, 2015
Price 36.00 per person
- Please wear a Masonic shirt or hat to show support for the organization, and to distinguish yourself to your brothers.
- Bring your family and potential prospects.
- Rooms are available at the park if you would like to spend the night.
- A pavilion is available on a first come basis.
- Drink tickets are available, as are parking passes.
- Tickets available at the gate. We will not be collecting any money. Just show your dues card.
Come join the fun and fellowship.
For additional information or questions, contact Brother Danny McNabb: (H) 440-975-0893 (C) 440-479-4850
published by mastermason on Fri, 06/12/2015 - 14:39
Fulton lodge #248 will putting on a Master Mason Degree on June 23 ar 7:00pm. All are invited to attend!