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5th District Association Officer Corp

Brothers all, elected at our annual district meeting were the following officers. Congratulate them and offer them the support they need to be successful and make our great district stronger and better than we found it.

President : WB James Parsons
1st V.P. : WB Steve Bruns
2nd V.P. WB Brian Patterson
Treasurer : RWB Doug Eis
Secretary : WB Jon Schamp

There are many opportunities before  us this coming year from our Grand Master MWB Robert Rill Jr. and his team of Grand Line Officers. I have seen a glimpse into our Deputy Grand Master RWB Doug Kaylors year and we are poised to make great strides in Masonry. Our district will benefit from your participation and involvement where ever you can assist. Talk to the leaders and let your voice be heard. We are moving forward.

Matthew Gloor
5th District Adviser 

District Deputy Grand Masters
R.W.B. Martin Lawrence
Sycamore Lodge #520
R.W.B. James E. Parsons
Liberty Center Lodge #518
District Education Officers
W.B. Dennis Richardson
Wauseon Lodge #349
W.B. Craig Szczublewski
Fulton Lodge #248
District Advisor
R.W.B. Robert R. Rettig
Napoleon Lodge #256
District Education Chair
R.W.B. Robert "Joe" Stotler
Hicksville Lodge #478
W.B. Dennis Richardson
Wauseon Lodge #349
1st Vice President
W.B. Chris Meeker
Wauseon Lodge #349
2nd Vice President
Ryan Bleck
Hicksville Lodge #478
W.B. Craig Szczublewski
707 Main St
Delta, OH 43515
Fulton Lodge #248
R.W.B. Douglas W. Eis
Napoleon Lodge #256
District Prospect Manager
R.W.B. Richard McKibben
Fulton Lodge #248
W.B. Craig Szczublewski
Fulton Lodge #248