published by mastermason on Thu, 04/23/2020 - 14:44
Brothers all,
On the evening of April 22, 2020, the DDGM's across Ohio were invited to a virtual meeting with the Grand Master of Ohio, Keith Newton. Many topics were discuseed and we had a good meeting.
- Our last two inspections, Napoleon and Sycamore, have been cancelled. They will be given a good report going back to their Pre-inspections that had taken place previously. All Brothers with Perfect Attendance at Liberty Center Inspection is considered as being complete and will be given plaques accordingly.
- Special Olympics that would have been in June has been cancelled.
- A dispensation will be issued for Lodges to meet in July and August to make up for any missed meetings if they wish to do this. The dispensation will be issued to waive any disciplinary action for Lodges that do not meet their minimum Stated meetings in 2020 due to cessation orders,
- All Reconsecration and Re-dedications will be re-scheduled yet this year.
- As of now, the One Day class has been postponed. To be determined later if it will be re-scheduled.
- Our Grand Master Reception had been postponed. It will possibly be re-scheduled under a different format. The Grand Master wants to give the Excellence in Youth Awards and also the Community Service Award.
- Grand Lodge of Ohio is still scheduled for October 23 - 24, 2020 at the Roberts Center in Wilmington, Ohio. Reservation information is forth coming.
- Grand Master Keith Newton wanted to remind Lodges to continue to give to charitites. One charity that was mentioned is Sharon Newton's charity, "Sleep in Heavenly Peace". This charity builds and delivers beds to children who don't have one. There is still a great need for these.
All Brothers of your Lodges need to be notified of these changes in our schedule.
If you have any questions, please call me.
Robert Stotler, DDGM