published by mastermason on Mon, 10/15/2018 - 18:53
- A first-time Master who has not received the Past Master Degree from Chapter can only be installed after the Required District Convocation for Incoming Masters on December 1st at Fulton Lodge #248 at 1:00 PM (a light lunch at noon)
- A Past Master serving in the East again can be installed anytime after his election
- Even if you’ve already received the Past Master Degree, it is required that all incoming Masters attend the Past Master’s Convocation. Put it in your calendar now. If you know you can’t attend, contact Paul Kelly or Joe Stotler and they will give you dates for other districts’ Convocations.
- The Installation Ceremony is provided for you in the Ohio Masonic Code Books. Read it--you need more than aprons & jewels.
- Offices required--Installing officer, Secretary, Marshal, and Chaplain. Your installing officer must be a Past Master.
- Your District Officers are happy to be part of your installing team if their schedule permits. Ask early! Their schedules fill up fast during November and December, and waiting until the last minute will leave you empty-handed.
- Installation Ceremonies can be Closed or Open to the public & an excellent time to include family or invite potential members.