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Friendly Social Club meeting invitation

Open invitation to join us for lunch (free) on Monday, September 18, 2017 at 11:30 am at Ryan’s Restaurant on N. Shoop Ave in Wauseon – rear dining area. Sponsored by:
Friendly Social Club
Membership is open to all Master Masons in good standing. Annual dues are $20. Wives and widows are invited to attend our lunch meetings as our guests.
Our purpose is to enjoy friendship and fellowship in a relaxed atmosphere without a ritual.
Meetings are the 1 st and 3 rd Monday of April, May, June, October and November and the3rd Monday only of September. Meetings are held at Ryan’s Restaurant in Wauseon and start at 11:30 am. We have a picnic in July and a Christmas party in December at locations chosen by the members.
For more information, please call Jon Schamp at 419-822- 7903.
District Deputy Grand Masters
R.W.B. Martin Lawrence
Sycamore Lodge #520
R.W.B. James E. Parsons
Liberty Center Lodge #518
District Education Officers
W.B. Dennis Richardson
Wauseon Lodge #349
W.B. Craig Szczublewski
Fulton Lodge #248
District Advisor
R.W.B. Robert R. Rettig
Napoleon Lodge #256
District Education Chair
R.W.B. Robert "Joe" Stotler
Hicksville Lodge #478
W.B. Dennis Richardson
Wauseon Lodge #349
1st Vice President
W.B. Chris Meeker
Wauseon Lodge #349
2nd Vice President
Ryan Bleck
Hicksville Lodge #478
W.B. Craig Szczublewski
707 Main St
Delta, OH 43515
Fulton Lodge #248
R.W.B. Douglas W. Eis
Napoleon Lodge #256
District Prospect Manager
R.W.B. Richard McKibben
Fulton Lodge #248
W.B. Craig Szczublewski
Fulton Lodge #248