Where - Fremont Motor Speedway (fairgrounds) Take US Route 6 to Exit 101 (St. Rt. 53), go south thru stoplight, entrance to parking on left.
Ticket Prices - Adults $14, Seniors $12, Ages 11-16 $8, 10 and under free.
WB Gunn informs me that some of the sponsors are providing some promo items for this family night. Once again, you are encouraged to wear Masonic apparel and to invite family and friends to join us for an evening of racing. A good contingent of brothers attending will show our support of WB Gunn's son, Tyler and further the cause for Freemasonry.
Please let me (419-784-6364) or RWB Doug Eis (419-438-5786) know of your intentions, so that, in the event of inclement weather, once again we can contact you should the race be cancelled