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Testimonial Dinner to Honor Trent Dominique and Kevin Weisman

Two brothers well known to the Fifth District are being honored by the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite, Valley of Toledo, by being coroneted 33 Degree Masons late in August.
A Testimonial Dinner to honor these worthy brothers RWB Trent Dominique and WB Kevin Weisman is scheduled for Saturday, Sept. 16, 2017 at Northwest State College, Archbold, Ohio.
In addition to there service to the Scottish Rite, RWB Dominique has served the 5th District as District Advisor and DDGM. While WB Weisman is not a member in the 5th District, he is more familiar to us in the York Rite, particularly the Commandery where he has held several Division Offices.
With respect to their accomplishments and honor to their service, all are invited to their Testimonial Dinner. A good showing of support will be much appreciated.
Please see the attached for more info and reservation forms.
District Deputy Grand Masters
R.W.B. Martin Lawrence
Sycamore Lodge #520
R.W.B. James E. Parsons
Liberty Center Lodge #518
District Education Officers
W.B. Dennis Richardson
Wauseon Lodge #349
W.B. Craig Szczublewski
Fulton Lodge #248
District Advisor
R.W.B. Robert R. Rettig
Napoleon Lodge #256
District Education Chair
R.W.B. Robert "Joe" Stotler
Hicksville Lodge #478
W.B. Dennis Richardson
Wauseon Lodge #349
1st Vice President
W.B. Chris Meeker
Wauseon Lodge #349
2nd Vice President
Ryan Bleck
Hicksville Lodge #478
W.B. Craig Szczublewski
707 Main St
Delta, OH 43515
Fulton Lodge #248
R.W.B. Douglas W. Eis
Napoleon Lodge #256
District Prospect Manager
R.W.B. Richard McKibben
Fulton Lodge #248
W.B. Craig Szczublewski
Fulton Lodge #248