published by mastermason on Mon, 02/08/2016 - 16:34
The Fifth Masonic District Grand Master's Reception this year will be held in the atrium at Northwest State Community College, Archbold, Ohio (same location as the past two years). The date is set for April 1, 2016 with a social hour beginning at 6:00pm, and dinner at 7:00pm. The cost is $25.00 per person if paid in advance, $30.00 per person if paid the night of the reception. Checks for payment should be made out to "Fifth Masonic District Association".
For the Lodge Secretaries: We are asking each of our district's lodges' secretary to collect payments and maintain a reservation/log sheet for their brothers attending this event. Reservation sheet need not be anything fancy, we
just need name of brother and number attending (i.e. Jim Parsons - 2). Please send your lodge reservation list into Jon Schamp ( no later then Friday, March 11 (Bryan Lodge Inspection Night). Monies collected should be sent to WB Schamp via USPS:
Jon. R. Schamp
1125 Royal Bounty Lane
Wauseon, Ohio 43567
WB Schamp will compile a separate list of attendees for each lodge, so all a brother need do is give his name at the registration table the night of the reception. Please direct questions to:
Jim Parsons, President
Fifth Masonic District Association