published by mastermason on Fri, 02/26/2016 - 20:21

To: All “Travelers” of the Fabulous Fifth Masonic District
What: Euchre Tournament - 50/50 split
When: Saturday, April 9 - Pancake breakfast @ 8:30 am - Cards @ 9:30 am
Where: Wauseon Masonic Lodge - Clinton and Elm Sts
Entry: 2 man teams - $10 per Mason / non-Masonic partners are FREE
Details: Bring a potential brother and introduce him to the “wild side” of our fraternity.
Enjoy the cards - Enjoy the ambience!
Registration: Contact the Lodge Secretary by April 6th. Jon Schamp, (419-822-7903)
We’re Look’n For A Few Good Men! Call Now!
Tournament co-chairs:
Steven Brunn - SW
Keith Torbet - SD
James Barber - Treas